Thursday 22 May 2014

Saskatchewan Prairie Photography: Can't Get Enough of Those Abandoned Buildings!

I haven't made it more than 5 km out of Saskatoon to take photos because by the time I am 5 km out, I've used up all of my allotted time and I have to rush home to relieve my babysitter.  But that doesn't mean that Saskatchewan lets me down.  I spent over an hour at a site within sight of a Walmart, exploring an old homestead on the west side of town.   I can't help imagining the life of the homes before they were abandoned, and then, finally, why they were abandoned at all.  Some obviously have signs of fire or other disaster but others seem to have simply been left, leaving everything from stacks of piano music to entire photo albums behind.  Oh, the mystery stirs my soul!

I found many old animal bones in this barn.  There had been a fire, and several of the bones
 belonged to juvenile animals. 
This bus contained copious amounts of Soviet propaganda, as well as a box of maps from all across the US and Mexico, birthday cards, local and out-of-province newspapers, and so much more.  I'll add pics of these items soon.  

A bible in an old Mennonite Church.  Circa 1909.

Self Portraits are NOT Selfies

Sure, I take selfies from time to time, but I also take self portraits.  Oh, how I wish the difference had to be understood by people before they were allowed access to Instagram and Twitter.  

At first, I thought self portraits would get rather self-indulgent.  I only wanted to show the pretty side of myself at first.  But then I realized that a self portrait is unique in that it can capture, if done well, every nuance of what makes you "you".  

I consider myself to be a feminine woman.  With a tomboy side.  And a little bit of badass.  Depending on my mood, my portraits reflect these parts of me.  I've been haunting thrift shops for wigs (yeah, I know, germs) and interesting costumes and props.  I don't intend to be the next Cindy Sherman but she must have had a ton of fun making the photos she made.

Here are a few of mine.  Comments and critique certainly welcome.  I'm just an amateur, pretending to know a thing or two.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Photography, Prairie-Style

I spent most of my formative years in country that even Daniel Boone found daunting, at the foot of the Appalachian mountains.  There, you could hardly see the sky because the trees and kudzu took over.  Sunsets were breath-taking, but the sky was diminutive.  The South was always full of "things". 

Now I live in Saskatoon, where hills are hardly hills at all.  Some must be pointed out to me as hills at all.  But taking my camera out recently, I've started finding "things".  So many things to photograph that I can hardly contain myself at home.  It's amazing how country that seems so empty is really so rich and full.