Tuesday 27 August 2013

Do you miss your old 35mm camera? Do you yearn for the days of the darkroom?

I came across some photos I took with my 35mm Pentax probably around 10 years ago.  My university dorm had a darkroom in the basement.  No one used it but me.

I had no idea how to use my camera so any photos that turned out were merely a fluke.  I had no knowledge of using the light meter so it was all guess work.  But wow, I love the texture, the true-ness, the character of these old photos.  I thought I'd post a few.  Most of them are of my beloved little sister, Anna, who was born when I was 16.  Some are self portraits.

What do you miss most about your old camera?

Sunday 18 August 2013

Justin Trudeau and My Sis: Romance at the Montreal Pride Parade

I'm so envious of anyone who got to attend the Pride Parade in Montreal today!  Of course, the glorious and graceful Justin Trudeau walked with the parade, stopping for this adorable picture with my adorable sister, Anna.  J'adore Trudeau!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Huge Vintage Book Sale - I'm Moving to Montreal!

So this uni-lingual girl is going to move to Montreal.  My family is there and boy, do I miss them.  It's hard to live so far away from my dear mother when I have a little boy who adores her.

I'm having a huge sale at my Etsy shop Exceedingly Well Read. 50% off everything in stock, starting August 15th, 2013.  I'll be listing new items daily so make sure to check it out often.

Saturday 10 August 2013

One of Many Reasons I Miss North Carolina

My brother Peter sent me this photo he took of his new friend, a little spring peeper he found on his window.  I miss the cacophony of their mating calls mixed with the incessant hum of cicadas.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

My Steal-Proof Bike

Last year, a dear friend bought me a brand new bike for my birthday.  I've never had such a beautiful bike and I saw a lifetime with it's strong frame and easy gear shifting.  I always locked up my bike when I took it out of my apartment.  However, it was heavy.  And I live on the third floor.  One night I left my bike inside the apartment building (there are just 6 condos in the building) but did not truck it up the three flights of stairs.  I used it many times a day and taking it up and down was just too much.  That night I also forgot to take off the wheel and seat like I usually did.  I thought that inside the locked doors of my building it would be safe.

The next morning when I was headed out to a doctor's appointment, my bike was not where I'd left it.  I had to call a cab to make it to my appointment, and I cried all the way there.  Totally heartbroken.

A friend of mine gave me his old bike when I told him about my predicament.  I wasn't about to have it stolen again.  So I painted it, making it uniquely mine.

I wanted it to be different than any other bike so that I could easily identify it.  I wanted it to make someone think twice about taking it.  But neon pink I could not handle.  I wanted to be proud of it.  So after much thought, this is what I ended up with.

I admit it's not steal-proof.  It's pretty darn cute.  But it's mine because it says it is.  

Sunday 4 August 2013

Reunited and It Feels So Good

Yesterday's garage sales produced these two little guys.  One from each side of the great city of Saskatoon. When I put them together it just looked so right.  I love the ox's tender look towards to elephant.  Brother of another mother?  Looks aside, they certainly have a bond.  

Saturday 3 August 2013

Falling in Love with Vintage Taxidermy - My Puffer Fish

This is my new favorite creature in the world.  I found him at a garage sale while out riding my bike in the hot sun yesterday.  He's a puffer fish, of course, all puffed up, ready to look amazingly awesome for the rest of eternity.